Donna A. Heckler

A Radiant Star

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As we celebrate Epiphany today I couldn’t help but reflect on the role that radiance played for the Three Kings.  It was a radiant star that they followed to bestow gifts on the Christ Child.  They traveled at night,  on a different, unknown path, lit only by this star – a light in the darkness for them.

The readings for today use variations of the word radiant in several passages.  “Then you shall be radiant at what you see…” is in the reading today from the Prophet Isaiah.  It causes me to wonder, are we radiant at what we see?  Do we see others with Christ dwelling within them and notice their radiance?  How do we see the radiance –  in their eyes, their smiles, their gentleness, their joy?  When we see their glow, do we share it with others?

Christ came to us as a baby in a manager and a radiant star lit the way for others to find him.  Christ is in each of us and when we are radiant, we can light the way for others.  How will you be radiant today?


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